
This website is part of the Mathesis Project (2017-201), founded by the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (N° ANR-17-CE27-0018-01, more on the project and its various activities here).

The aim of the Mathesis project is to promote the study of the unpublished mathematical manuscripts of the philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716), by means of a work of editing and commentary (more details here).

In close partnership with the Leibniz-Archiv in Hanover, our work revolves around six major themes:  geometry of curves and tractional motion; fundamenta calculi; perspective geometry; foundations of geometry; justification of the differential calculus; dyadica.

On this website, you will find some of the texts we transcribed, together with some translations and the links to the original manuscripts hosted on the website of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek.

We also provide various resources on Leibniz.